How Softlanding Can Help Your Forestry Company

The forestry industry has undergone many changes over the past few years, thanks to the advancement of technology. Investing in technology in order to optimize its ROI and boost productivity has become a competitive advantage.

At Softlanding, we understand the challenges that forestry companies face when transforming their business. Our experts are here to assist your organization every step of the way towards its digitalization to increase efficiency and growth while saving costs.

Softlanding has been a trusted partner for many forestry companies for the past 20 years. We’ve helped various forestry businesses leverage technology to digitize their business, streamline processes and strengthen their security posture.


West Fraser est un producteur de bois d'œuvre basé à Quesnel, en Colombie-Britannique, qui est l'un des plus grands producteurs de bois d'œuvre d'Amérique du Nord. La société emploie plus de 5 000 personnes au Canada et aux États-Unis et doit sa croissance à la rigueur de ses opérations dans ses installations et à son approche de fabrication soucieuse des coûts.

La technologie n'était plus un facteur de différenciation concurrentiel pour West Fraser, qui fonctionnait sur des plates-formes anciennes. Les problèmes de processus et de données avaient un impact négatif sur la productivité et les opérations.


West Fraser

“Our cost management is critical to our success. When lumber markets change, it means we can adapt quickly to keep our mills running and our employees working.”


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