Softlanding’s managed IT services in Edmonton helps organizations like yours navigate the complexities of modern IT. Our team of experts will ensure your business stay safe, productive and profitable through the smart use of technology. 

Managed IT Services in Edmonton

In the day-to-day running of any business, it can be difficult to always “keep the lights on”. Having to worry about your business IT, cyber security, hardware, and servers can be daunting. As technology advances and the threat landscape changes, you must have an IT partner you can rely on.

Softlanding looks at your business holistically to help your organization implement cutting-edge technology while keeping your organization operational and secure. Our managed IT services focus on the prevention and optimization of your IT environment to keep your business running smoothly and effectively.

Ben de Softlandings a géré ses services.

Nos services TI gérés

We are experts in all the services we provide. Our goal is to give you the IT support your organization needs through our managed services to enhance efficiency while saving costs. Our Edmonton managed IT services are comprehensive and can be customized to meet your business needs.

Les technologies que nous connaissons

Nous nous concentrons exclusivement sur les technologies Microsoft, qu'elles soient sur site ou dans le nuage, et nous utilisons notre expertise pour nous assurer que nos clients disposent des meilleures solutions pour résoudre leurs problèmes commerciaux.

Services de sécurité gérés

Managed IT Security Vancouver

Nos services de sécurité gérés vous offrent des services complets mais flexibles pour surveiller, maintenir et optimiser votre environnement informatique tout en vous conseillant sur les dernières protections contre les menaces afin de garantir une sécurité informatique maximale 24/7.

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MS Productivity

Services de productivité gérés

We understand that enabling productivity, engagement, and collaboration is key to success in the modern workplace. Our managed IT productivity services help you leverage the latest tools and applications to boost efficiency while maintaining data integrity and security. Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) Managed Services SharePoint Managed Services Teams Modern Workplace

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Services d'infrastructure

Services d'infrastructure gérés

Softlanding propose un éventail complet de services gérés pour les environnements sur site, hybrides et infonuagiques qui peuvent être adaptés à vos besoins uniques afin de garantir la maintenance et la sécurité de votre infrastructure et de vos données, vous permettant ainsi de vous concentrer sur la création de valeur pour votre entreprise.

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